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Mr. Jordan Boudreau

ITF Certified 6th Dan Black Belt.

My life in Taekwon-Do began in 1989, following in the footsteps of my older brother.

My time training in the martial arts has provided me with the opportunity to witness and learn from many talented members and instructors from across Canada and around the world.

As I train and teach, my purpose as an instructor is clear – I must treat each new student who enters our Dojang, eager and unaware of what lies ahead of them, the same as I would wish a member of my own family be treated. I must be an instructor who is more than a loud voice from the front of the classroom, by being a role model for each student inside the Dojang as well as out, reflecting the beliefs and attitudes taught in class. This positive attitude must be obvious to the pupil, from the moment they are introduced to Taekwon-Do and become a lasting impression for years to come.

I believe that given the opportunity to train in Taekwon-Do, as I have, one would undoubtedly celebrate the amazing moments and events their dedication and effort will bring them as I do mine.

Mr. Gary Hausot

ITF Certified 5th Dan Black Belt.

Ms. Destiny Dornbusch

ITF Certified 5th Dan Black Belt.

Mr. David Watt

ITF Certified 3rd Dan Black Belt.

Mr. Brandon Jennings

ITF Certified 3rd Dan Black Belt.